35 - 37 Regent Street, Hinckley, Leicester, LE10 0BA

Large Showroom, Private Car Park with the same Warm Welcome

Every sofa looks amazing until you sit on it

Every mattress looks comfortable until you lay on it

See, play and hear the Piano/Keyboard you wish to buy, and avoid that costly mistake!

The Latest Piano And Keyboard News From Keysound

How Do I Decide Which Piano is Right For Me
Let Keysound Help You
Date April 25, 2023

We are fully aware that the search for you first or next digital piano can be a minefield.
Here's the problem...
The issue is that, regardless of price, they all appear to be identical....after all they all have the same 88 Black and White notes, the blurb tells us that they all have Hammer action Keys etc. etc….so why should I spend more on something that on paper appears to be the same as a less expensive model.

Therein lies the problem. A piano's appearance and specifications rarely tell the whole story. There are many models that will only be suitable for absolute beginners or players up to Grade 2 standard. We have seen so many cases where people of Grade 3 or higher have clicked buy it now and frankly ended up with an instrument totally unsuitable for the purpose.

On our Keysound website, when you attempt to add a digital piano to the basket, a pop-up box will prompt you to consider your options.  Why would we want to do that?

Throughout 47 years trading we have witnessed far too often the wrong instrument being chosen and we always prefer to talk to our customers and fully discover the reasons behind the purchase.

It is likewise a reality that 80% of purchasers who visit an expert store purchase an alternate instrument to that which they had picked on-line.

This can be due to a variety of factors, but the majority of the time, it is due to the customer being able to physically feel the difference between the various keyboard actions' quality and preferring the overall sound of a different brand or model.

Here are some key points to consider

  • You will NEVER hear the true live sound of any instrument through a video
  • You need to try a few instruments to enable you to find the touch that suits you the best (this is the case even for a complete beginner
  • On-line it is almost impossible to picture the real size of a particular piano whilst in-store you can compare against other similar instruments
  • The wood finish of a piano can be misleading on a photograph

At Keysound, Steve and Paul have almost 80 combine years experience in the keyboard industry and we are true keyboard specialists in that we don’t sell any other type in instrument.
We have all 5 major brands on show for you to not only try but it gives you to golden opportunity to make direct comparisons between each of those makes

You MUST see, hear and try the instruments before you make a decision and most importantly always keep an open mind as to which instrument you might decide upon.

For the last 7 years we have been awarded Feefo review awards for service including most recently a Platinum Service Award. We are passionate about making sure you find the right instruments for your needs……oh…. and we always do it with a smile!

Don't make an expensive mistake!

Here is just one of hundreds of reviews of reviews available for you to read on our website


“Keysound completely understood my needs and at no point did I feel pressured to buy (that's when I make a hasty exit!) I had looked at a number of similar outlets beforehand, and Steve and Paul's grown up personal service was streets ahead of their competitors. Their product knowledge and technical experience was exceptional and the new Hinckley store offers a wide-range for all budgets. I'm delighted with my new Yamaha and the guys who delivered it could not have been more helpful and polite. Overall, a super shopping experience. It was just so nice to make a relatively big purchase without any drama. Well done Keysound!”

How Do I Decide Which Piano is Right For Me
New Kawai Digital Piano Models have arrived.
Kawai release 2 new models the CA401 and the CA501
Date April 18, 2023
New Kawai Digital Piano Models have arrived.

For almost 100 years now Kawai has been at the forefront of the acoustic and now of course the digital Piano world.

Their passion for music and desire to produce the finest instruments helped them to become a  leading brand of acoustic Pianos and that depth of knowledge of both the Piano and the industry has meant they have rightly taken their place as one of the most sought after Digital Piano brands currently available.


In recent months we have seen the launch of a whole new range with updates to the popular CN and CA series of digital Pianos.

Most recently has been the release of 2 new models in the CA (Concert Artist) range, namely the CA401 and CA501

The CA401 is a superb introduction to Kawai Concert artist quality and features the all new Shigeru Kawai EX Competition Grand sample.

Other highlights include

  1. Grand Feel Compact wooden-key action with Ivory touch key surfaces and ‘let-off’ mechanism
  2. Stunning EX Concert Grand sample
  3. Improved OLED screen and control panel
  4. Redesigned speaker system delivery a richer and higher quality sound
  5. On board recorder
  6. Improved Headphone experience with Spacial Headphone Sound to enhance the depth and realism of sound when using headphones and greatly reducing fatigue when listening for extended periods
  7. Bluetooth Midi and Bluetooth Audio.
  8. Adjustable Music Rest
  9. Authentic Pedal response with Kawai’s Grand Feel Pedal system


The new CA501 feature all of the above as well as

  1. Wav/Mp3/Midi file record and playback via USB Memory
  2. High-performance sound delivery and speaker systems with 360° diffuser panels


Visit our showroom and try them for yourself.

New Kawai Digital Piano Models have arrived.
New Kawai Digital Piano Models have arrived.
New Kawai Digital Piano Models have arrived.
The Brand new Yamaha CVP-900 series
Date April 18, 2023

It is always an exciting time when a new product release is announced and this is certainly no exception. The Yamaha Clavinova CVP-905 and the flagship model CVP-909 are here and ready to open an exciting and inspiring world of musical discovery and enjoyment.

CVP series always have been complete family entertainment instruments that appeal to the serious Piano player through to the ‘just for fun player’ and the latest CVP series feature 2 premium piano samples, namely the Yamaha CFX Grand and the Bosendorfer Imperial Grand.
Combine these with a stunning GrandTouch Piano Keyboard action as well GrandTouch Pedals and even the most talented of players cannot fail to be impressed.

However CVP900 series is so much more than just a Piano. Both models feature an extensive list of high-quality voices and accompaniment styles which combine to offer infinite musical possibilities.

Other features include:

  1. Binaural sampling for both CFX and Bosendorfer providing the full ambience of the sound while playing with headphones.
  2. Intuitive touch screen operation.
  3. Integration for smart devices: stream music via bluetooth or integrate your music library with “Smart Pianist” app.
  4. Connect a Microphone and sing. Studio quality vocal effects for your voice .
  5. Advanced recording options for you to compose and create your own original tracks.
  6. 5 years peace of mind simply by registering your Piano within six months of the purchase date and receive a free 5 year extended warranty.


Also available in the new range is the CVP-909GP which is the ultimate statement piece for the home with its beautiful baby grand styled cabinet.

The Korg PA5X Video Manual By Korg
Watch These Step by Step Guides On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Korg PA5X
Date April 16, 2023

Watch these step by step guides to get the most out of your new Korg PA5X, and remember at Keysound we're always here to help you so why not just give us a call on 0116 2541053
The Korg PA5X Video Manual By Korg
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