If you want to learn the piano, the HP-507 digital piano is the perfect choice as it not only sounds like an acoustic piano, it also has an authentic piano keyboard action just like an acoustic grand piano. But because the HP-507 is a digital piano, it can do things that an acoustic piano cannot. Plug in headphones so you can practise without disturbing your family or neighbours or plug in a USB drive to play along with your favourite tunes, which makes practising fun. The HP-507 also allows you to split the keyboard so the student and teacher can play side by side.
Better still, the Piano Partner iPad app transforms an iPad into a version of Roland’s popular DigiScore application, which displays sheet music on the screen and follows you as you play the notes. The Piano Partner app also includes exercises which develop your ability to recognise musical notes, essential when it comes to reading and playing back sheet music. The Piano Partner app is a free download, and if you buy an HP-507 while stocks last, we’ll throw in the iPad on which it runs. If you’ve always wanted to play the piano, choose the HP-507: you’ll have the realistic sound, the authentic piano action, the stylish design and a teaching system to help you become a better piano player.
Piano Partner is a free iPad app that provides a fresh, interactive way to learn and play a piano. It contains three applications: Flash Card, a fun way to develop your listening and reading skills, Content Browser which gives easy access to the on-board songs and tones and DigiScore Lite which displays the on-board songs as digital notation. You can connect your iPad and piano wirelessly with Roland’s WNA1100-RL Wireless USB Adapter (sold separately), or with a USB cable via the Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit (sold separately).